This is to all the women who have taken a man's virginity outside of marriage. From a concerned and sad friend.

How could you do that to my friend?
If it's true about what has happened,
You sill never be my friend again!

You changed the guy I grew up with.
You made him give up everything.
What he gave you he can never get back!

He's not the same guy I once knew.
I will never respect him again because of what you did.
So, I guess I can say thank you.

Thank you for ruining his life.
Thank you for taking the only thing that was truely his.
Thank you for changing my friend, whom I will never respect again!

on May 07, 2005
Hmm...interesting....I'm not a stickler on waiting for marriage, but if someone wants to do it...that's fine. I would consider forgiving your friend if I were you.

on May 07, 2005
Wow, not really much of a friend are you?
on May 08, 2005
I'm with Shaun, I also think that your not much of a friend if you judge them on this sort of basis. Sexual relationships are personal and different for everyone, you really can't know what's going on, it doesn't have to a bad thing that will ruin your life. Check out the comments on my Sexual Frustration article. Everyone's opinion of sex is different, you don't steal people virginity, unless in rape which is completely different.
on May 08, 2005
What happened?!?! This sounds passionately angrey! I hope everything works out for the best though. I had a cousen who stole my boyfriend's virginity while I was still dating him-it sucked. It still hurts really bad..especially knowing that she didn't exactally "steal" it, seeings that it usually(not always) takes 2 people to "you know..." I forgave her, but it took a while.

Love Always (even when it hurts),
on May 08, 2005
Love Always (even when it hurts),

Heh, you is not supposed to hurt...I wonder why it does so much.

on May 09, 2005
I'd have to say that I'm with Alysha. But then again.....I'm kinda of not. I do agree that you should wait until you're married. But it is the guys fault for giving in and saying yes, that he wants to have sex. I don't think that she raped him though. I don't know if that would be possible.

on May 09, 2005
1. It was the guys to give, it's an act that involves 2 people and unless she drugged him or something, it was probably consentual.

2. How does this magically alter your friend? This is not a transition that turns them into a completely different person.

I can understand people making the choice themselves to wait until marraige, what I don't get is when they get mad at others for not doing the same. It's a 100% personal decision and doesn't make you any better or worse by comparison to other people. That's like someone telling you you're somehow changed because you had a chocolate milkshake with lunch, whereas they have personally sworn off chocolate milkshakes until they're 45.
on May 09, 2005
hmmmm...I dont know if i know you.....But anyway I would forgive know it takes two to tango

on May 15, 2005
you know it takes two to tango

unless of course, you are with Skippy and his Scandinavian half wife, then it usually takes five....