Published on August 22, 2005 By acband_girl In Misc

on Aug 22, 2005
The tree barking reminds me of a thing on Family Guy...

"Just remember to stay away from the candy tree"
"He's right to caution you, you know, because I feed upon children."
*cut to tree eating a child*

Or something to that's funny when you watch it, anyway.

on Aug 29, 2005
Actually, the last place I looked thing does make sense from time to time...

Let's say I'm looking for a chair for my dorm room and I find the one I'm looking for right away but I'm not convinced so I go to another store to try to find the same chair for less or maybe a better chair (whatever reason you may have) all together. Now let's imagine that I get to the second store and don't find anything better so I go back to where I was before and buy that chair. At that point I didn't just find what I was looking for in the last place I looked...

With that example you can accept someone saying that they found their sock (or whatever) in the last place they looked as a logit phrase.

I rest my case.

Capt. over and out!
on Feb 06, 2006
True also whats happens if you found what you were looking for but then lost it and never found it again technically it wasnt the last place you found it then....but then again i am doing a good job at confusing my self........ahhh it hurts!!!!
