acband_girl's Articles In Current Events
July 6, 2005 by acband_girl
On the news, yesterday, I heard about the 2-year-old little girl that was raped by her grandfather...HER GRANDFATHER!!!! What is wrong with people today? It seems like all they care about it satisfying themselves! How could anyone rape their grand-daughter or anyone for that matter? What is this world coming to? Does everyone care so much about themselves that they don't even care how their actions will affect other people? I guess, I'm writing this to tell everyone who has done something lik...
May 7, 2005 by acband_girl
This is to all the women who have taken a man's virginity outside of marriage. From a concerned and sad friend. How could you do that to my friend? If it's true about what has happened, You sill never be my friend again! You changed the guy I grew up with. You made him give up everything. What he gave you he can never get back! He's not the same guy I once knew. I will never respect him again because of what you did. So, I guess I can say thank you. Thank you for ruining his...
May 7, 2005 by acband_girl
You guys are all mad. You guys always fight. You guys can't stand each other. Can't you see all the people you're hurting? You make us "outsiders" choose sides, But I don't want to! You are all my friends, I can't choose just one. And I won't! You come talking about the other people. They are my friends, too, what do I say? I can't say a thing! Why don't you just stop? You're stupid fighting over a guy. Stay out of each other's business! What happened to "Forgive and ...